Tongling comprehensive transportation Investment Group Co., LTD-2024欧洲杯下注平台

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Vice Mayor Huang Xuelong visited the company to investigate and guide the work

Source: Municipal Trading company Comprehensive Department Release Time: 2018-03-07 Visits:

  On March 7, 2018, Huang Xuelong, deputy mayor of the Municipal government, and Xu Jiannong, deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal government, came to our company for research, accompanied by He Chenglong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and chairman of the Party Working Committee, and members of the Party Working Committee's leadership team。

  Mayor Huang is very concerned about the new structure of the trading company and the office situation after relocation,After arriving at the company, it went deep into various departments of the organs and guided Jiangjihuai Tongling Company to understand the situation,Visit and sympathize with cadres and workers,New Year's greetings to all of you,Encourage everyone in the New Year,Work closely around the municipal Party committee and municipal government center,Pioneering and innovative,Work hard,Strive to create a new situation of transformation and development with the spirit of new era and new trading。

  After listening to He Chenglong, secretary of the Party Working Committee and chairman of the company, on the current work progress of the trading company and the next work idea report,Mayor Huang fully affirmed the establishment of the new body,The company is being political and thinking big,To ensure the efforts and achievements made in the construction of transportation infrastructure in the city,Agreed to the company's transformation and development ideas,And put forward three hopes for the next step。First, continue to adhere to the center and serve the overall situation, and do a good job in the construction of major transportation infrastructure projects in the city。二是加快转型发展,做强做优做大,按照习近平总书记提出的国企深化改革“三个有利于”要求,提升国有资本运营效率和国有经济活力、控制力、影响力,增强公司“自我造血功能”和发展核心竞争力。Third, we need to strengthen our awareness of potential dangers and bottom-line thinking,Adhere to the combination of optimizing the stock, guiding the increase, and taking the initiative to reduce,While improving sustainable financing capacity,Promote the balance sheet size of the company more reasonable,The debt structure is getting better,The rate of asset securitization has increased significantly,Comprehensively improve the company's risk prevention capability in the process of transformation and development。

  Deputy Secretary-General Xu Jiannong also put forward relevant requirements for the current and next steps。



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