2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Discipline inspection and supervision 

The city trading group has taken many measures to build a solid style construction line during the "double section" period

Source: Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office, General Management Department Release Time: 2020-09-30 Visits:

  The Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are approaching,为全面贯彻落实中央八项规定精神以及习近平总书记关于制止餐饮浪费行为的重要指示精神,The discipline inspection committee of the group company took many measures simultaneously,Through the issuance of work requirements, wechat SMS reminders, clear investigation, secret visits, heart-to-heart talks and other forms,Arrange and deploy work related to style construction during the "double section" period,Strive to create a clean air, happy and peaceful holiday atmosphere。

  Group company discipline committee stressed,要把加强企业作风建设、进一步落实中央八项规定精神、持之以恒纠正“四风”、落实习近平总书记关于制止餐饮浪费行为的重要指示精神作为严肃的政治任务抓紧抓好抓到位,Keep the following requirements in mind,Strengthen the defensive line of style construction during the "double section"。First, managers and party members and cadres at all levels should set an example,We will strictly implement all provisions on building Party conduct and clean government,Give full play to the "head goose" effect;The second is to fulfill the "one post and two responsibilities",Watch your door,Control your own people,Vigorously create a festival atmosphere of integrity and frugality;Third, resolutely resist the "four winds",Always stick to the bottom line,Keep to the red line,Secure a defensive line,Always keep the image of party members and cadres of state-owned enterprises clean and honest;Fourth, we will continue to strengthen oversight and accountability,Violations of discipline will be corrected,Discipline must be strictly enforced,Promote the full implementation of all disciplinary rules。



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