2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Project construction

  On March 5, the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge preliminary survey preliminary exploration field acceptance inspection meeting was held。Xu Jiannong, deputy secretary general of the Municipal government, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Xie Yongming, director of the Municipal Railway Office, and responsible comrades of the relevant units of the city and district attended the meeting, He Chenglong, Party secretary and chairman of the Group company, and Tang Shicai, deputy general manager, attended the meeting。

  Acceptance meeting,The expert group on the basis of previous site reconnaissance,Carefully listened to the design, survey and consulting units of the report,The results of preliminary survey were consulted,It is considered that the survey and design unit reasonably controls the construction scale, technical standards, route direction and main control points,The preliminary survey results meet the requirements of the specification,It is unanimously agreed that the project is accepted。

  Xu Jiannong pointed out in his speech,G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge is an important river crossing for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta,Construction of the river crossing,It will greatly improve the regional investment environment,Give full play to the advantages of each region,We will optimize the allocation of resources and achieve balanced development of regional economies on a larger scale,It also establishes the basic conditions for the formation of copper development belt,Promote transportation connectivity between Hefei and Tongling。All relevant departments should further consolidate their responsibilities, make every effort to promote the preliminary work of the project against the established work nodes, and strive for the G3 Tongling Yangtze River Railway Bridge to start construction as soon as possible。

  It is reported that the preliminary survey and preliminary survey, as an important prerequisite for the preliminary design, successfully passed the acceptance, which will lay a solid foundation for the subsequent preliminary design review by the Ministry of Communications。